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order a simple virtual server

  • Important: Please read the help about the field formats in the blue info bullets →

    All prices are yearly unless indicated otherwise.

  • help:

    Fill into this field your vat-number without spaces or other signs, prefixed by your 2 letter country code. For example:
    If you don't have a vat duty, just leave the field empty.
  • help:

    This field is in E164 format. It must begin with a + and the country prefix, then the regional prefix without the leading 0 and the number, without spaces or other signs. For example:
    If you don't have a telephone number, just put +0.0 or leave it empty
  • help:

    This field is in E164 format. It must begin with a + and the country prefix, then the regional prefix without the leading 0 and the number, without spaces or other signs. For example:
    If you don't have a telephone number, just put +0.0 or leave it empty
  • help:

    This field is in E164 format. It must begin with a + and the country prefix, then the regional prefix without the leading 0 and the number, without spaces or other signs. For example:
    If you don't have a telephone number, just put +0.0 or leave it empty
  • help:

    This field is in E164 format. It must begin with a + and the country prefix, then the regional prefix without the leading 0 and the number, without spaces or other signs. For example:
    If you don't have a telephone number, just put +0.0 or leave it empty